Dr. Baidwan’s (sometime) Morning Routine

How our founder starts her day.

7am: Either my dogs, husband or alarm get me up. Though, if I don’t have anything straight away, I try to lay in bed and enjoy the morning for as long as possible. This really changed during the pandemic as I was still seeing patients in the hospital and feeling burnt out. So taking as many moments of rest and reflection became vital!

7-8am: Walking the dogs with my husband and having a cup of coffee or masala chai. If I went out the night before - always masala chai with honey! Breakfast is anything from a meal-prepped breakfast burrito in the freezer to savory oatmeal. My newest love is icelandic yogurt (skyr) and acai. (I am way late to this craze, but I can’t stop eating it these days.) I’m also a big fan of eating leftover dinner for breakfast.

9am: If it’s a clinical day, then usually my first patient is at 9am, if its administrative then I start tackling my to-do list.

10am: Meet my personal trainer, Lauren Saint-Louis, at the gym. I’ve been working with her since July 2022 and to say she changed my life would be an understatement! She is friendship, accountability, and expertise all wrapped up into one. We work on something new every month (consistent cardio or more protein intake or increasing weight and reps.) This was a game changer for me in terms of habit building because we work on one thing at a time and when it becomes apart of my routine we focus on the next thing. Part of my challenge before I was working with Lauren was trying to do everything all at once and never really doing any of it. It would feel like failure or running in place. Now I have almost a year’s worth of successes and habits.


The perfect annual physical exam.


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