The perfect annual physical exam.
To get the most out of your physical exam, use the tips below at your next visit.
Make a list of goals
Make a list of everything you would like to talk to your primary care physician about including recent symptoms or health concerns, changes in your medication or history, new diagnosis, and personal health goals.
Create a relationship with your doctor
The best part of my medical practice is how well I know my patients. I consider myself a small town doctor in the big city with house calls, sick visits, annual exams, travel vaccinations, cosmetic procedures and everything in between! Creating a relationship helps me to put your personal history, allergies, and medications into context whenever you have an unexpected illness. Unlike going to a random urgent care, I can often solve unplanned sickness or issues in just a few moments instead of needing to review your entire history and physical exam from the start.
Be honest
If you feel judged, find a new doctor! Your appointment should feel like a safe space to discuss personal issues or symptoms or addictions that you may be dealing with.